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Smart Racing Products to Partner with Double Nickel Nine Motorsports for 2022 Racing Season

Smart Racing Products (SRP), who manufacture and distribute Smart Strings and Smart Camber tools to help grassroots racers (and pros) dial-in their cars in for optimum performance, are partnering with Rob Krider, team principle of Double Nickel Nine Motorsports, to further develop the SRP brand. Rob Krider has multiple national championships under his belt racing in the National Auto Sport Association (NASA) Honda Challenge series and he also pens the Toolshed Engineer column for SpeedNews Magazine. “Rob is the perfect person to work with us on our SRP tools because he wrenches on his cars himself and he races everything he can get his hands on,” said John Slater, of Smart Racing Products. Rob Krider has over 100 victories in motorsports and 10 championships to his name in a multitude of racing venues, from road racing, autocross, drag racing, rallycross, rally, endurance racing, time trials, hill climbs and even a destruction derby. “Playing with all of these different cars over the years in different disciplines required me to be able to quickly setup a car in my own garage,” said Rob. “I didn’t have the time or the money for numerous trips to an alignment shop where the final settings wouldn’t always be set to race mode per my needs. Smart Camber and Smart Strings have made it so I have control and I can get my alignment just where I want it and also be able to make quick adjustments between settings at the track.” Rob credits many of his race victories to having a consistent car that was ready to race when it came of the trailer. “I know for a fact SRP products are what separates us from our competitors,” said Rob.

Under Rob’s guidance during 2022 Double Nickel Nine Motorsports will be competing in SCCA National Solo, NASA Honda Challenge and NASA Time Trial this year in multiple vehicles. Smart Racing Products will be with the team all year ensuring the setup is perfect for every lap. To learn more about DNN Motorsports and their schedule go to www.team559.com.

To read an article written by Rob Krider on the use of Smart Strings and Smart Camber check out his features story for Ford Muscle Magazine